

Jen headshot
Jen headshot

Hi! I’m Jen, co-founder of Redwood Speaking.

I grew up in rural Vermont, before finding my home in Massachusetts, so nature has always been a refuge for me.  Being in nature grounds me, helps me to take a deep breath, and focuses me.  Spending time outside is one of the many tools that I use when I need to prepare for something big in my life – like speaking. 

I am passionate about helping women access the tools they have at their disposal to speak up and use their voice in any setting – professional or personal, formal or casual.

I draw from my current and past professional experience – from leading a public speaking club for women, to speaking before community/board meetings, to storytelling in front of an audience, to appearing in a courtroom as a lawyer. 

And I draw from my own public speaking journey.  Despite never shying away from speaking up, it took me time to embrace that my sensitivity (sometimes showcased in tears) has a place in every room I find myself; and it is my strength. 

I look forward to working with you and/or your colleagues to uncover the tools at your disposal to prepare you to speak; and to help you use your unique strengths to bolster your impact.  

Theresa headshot

Hi, I am Theresa, co-founder of Redwood Speaking.

As a young child, I was terrified of uttering a word to anyone outside of my family.  As a highly sensitive person, I know first hand what it’s like to deal with anxiety when it comes to using my voice.  

I began speaking in front of groups when I became a classroom teacher at the beginning of my career.  Though it was difficult at first, I quickly realized that using my voice as an educator is when I felt the most energized and authentic. 

For the last decade, I have been providing workshops for parents, staff development for educators, workshops for businesses, and mental health awareness for various organizations through my other entrepreneurial venture Village Parenting.  I have also found myself on stage at the Moth a few times and won a story slam.  In addition, I have run a public speaking club for women. And, yes, I still get nervous. But I know that sharing my sensitivity and my truth has also set me free.

I look forward to helping you use your voice in a way that feels right for you.


Theresa headshot
About Redwood

Why the name 'Redwood Speaking?'

Coastal Redwood Trees are among the tallest and most resilient  trees in the world. Their strength comes not from the depth of their roots, which are only 6-12 feet deep, but from the fact that they extend away from their trunk and intertwine with the roots of other trees around them.  

Also, Coastal Redwoods give sustenance to one another. Their shallow roots can sprout and support new growth.  As part of an interconnected system, these new trees can receive and share nutrients with the parent tree.  

At Redwood Speaking, our philosophy and approach is that we are all made stronger and gain sustenance when we connect and support one another.  
